--- ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes 2004/04/23 00:56:27 1.36 +++ ray/doc/notes/ReleaseNotes 2004/09/10 16:05:07 1.43 @@ -1277,3 +1277,31 @@ If that isn't enough, then there's probably no hope, a Added -l option to obj2mesh to search for material files in library locations. + +Increased polygon vertex limit to 512 in obj2mesh and obj2rad and added +warning if this limit is exceeded. + +Added tone-mapping and monitor primary options to ra_bmp. This gives +new functionality similar to normtiff and ximage. It would be nice to +add this feature to the other ra_* programs as well... someday. + +Fixed long-standing bug in reported pixel ordering out of certain +protate commands. + +Added -p option to rcalc for "passive mode" that transmits +unrecognized input -- useful for substituting data in the +middle of a stream. + +Fixed a very obscure bug in rpict that caused a dark horizontal +line in certain cylindrical projections due to improper drawing +of the sky dome source in rt/srcdraw.c. + +Fixed problems with effective ray lenths computed for dielectric +and BRTDfunc materials. This was most evident in breakup of holodeck +views when VDISTANCE=True. + +Fixed rad so that 'scene' variable may consist only of inline commands. + +Fixed bug introduced in shadow caching routines where sources in the +middle of spheres were not illuminating properly. Thanks to Guilio +Antonutto for spotting this problem.