from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import re import platform import ConfigParser _platdir = 'platform' def read_plat(env, fn): envdict = env.Dictionary().copy() # can't feed ConfigParser the original dict, because it also # contains non-string values. for k,v in envdict.items(): if not isinstance(v, str): del envdict[k] cfig = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(envdict) buildvars = [['CC', 'TIFFINCLUDE', # where to find preinstalled tifflib headers 'TIFFLIB', # where to find a preinstalled tifflib library ], # replace ['CPPPATH', 'CPPDEFINES', 'CPPFLAGS', 'CCFLAGS', 'LIBS', 'LIBPATH', 'LINKFLAGS', 'EZXML_CPPDEFINES', # build flags specific to ezxml.c ]] # append vars = [ ['install', ['RAD_BASEDIR', 'RAD_BINDIR', 'RAD_RLIBDIR', 'RAD_MANDIR'], []], ['code', [ # replace ], [ # append 'RAD_COMPAT', # theoretically obsolete (src/common/strcmp.c) 'RAD_MATHCOMPAT', # erf.c floating point error function 'RAD_ARGSCOMPAT', # fixargv0.c for Windows 'RAD_NETCOMPAT', # [win_]netproc.c for ranimate 'RAD_MLIB', # usually 'm', or any fastlib available 'RAD_SOCKETLIB', # ws_2_32 on Windows (VC links it automatically) 'RAD_PROCESS', # our process abstraction and win_popen() 'RAD_PCALLS', # more custom process abstraction ]], ] if env.get('RAD_DEBUG',0) not in(0,'0','','n','no','false',None): vars.insert(0, ['debug'] + buildvars) print('Processing DEBUG version') else: vars.insert(0, ['build'] + buildvars) print('Processing RELEASE version') for section in vars: if cfig.has_section(section[0]): for p in section[1]: # single items to replace try: v = cfig.get(section[0], p) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: continue if section[0] in ('install','build','debug') and '{' in v: v = subst_osenvvars(v) env[p] = v #print('%s: %s' % (p, env[p])) for p in section[2]: # multiple items to append try: v = cfig.get(section[0], p) if section[0] in ('build','debug') and '{' in v: v = subst_sconsvars(v, env) #print('%s: %s - %s' % (section[0], p, v)) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: continue apply(env.Append,[],{p:env.Split(v)}) # XXX Check that basedir exists. for k in ['RAD_BINDIR', 'RAD_RLIBDIR', 'RAD_MANDIR']: if (env.has_key('RAD_BASEDIR') and env.has_key(k) and not os.path.isabs(env[k])): env[k] = os.path.join(env['RAD_BASEDIR'],env[k]) def subst_osenvvars(s): try: return s.format(**os.environ) except KeyError: return s def subst_sconsvars(s, env, pat=re.compile('({[a-z0-9_]+})', re.I)): l = pat.split(s) nl = [] for ss in l: if ss.startswith('{') and ss.endswith('}'): v = env.get(ss[1:-1]) #print(ss, v) if v: if v.startswith('#'): v = str(env.Dir(v)) nl.append(v) continue nl.append(ss) return ''.join(nl) def load_plat(env): memmodel, binformat = platform.architecture() # XXX env['TARGET_ARCH'] --> memmodel platsys = platform.system() print('Detected platform "%s" (%s).' % (platsys, memmodel)) cfgname = platsys + '_' + memmodel[:2] env['RAD_BUILDBIN'] = os.path.join('#scbuild', cfgname, 'bin') env['RAD_BUILDLIB'] = os.path.join('#scbuild', cfgname, 'lib') env['RAD_BUILDOBJ'] = os.path.join('#scbuild', cfgname, 'obj') cust_pfn = os.path.join(_platdir, cfgname + '_custom.cfg') if os.path.isfile(cust_pfn): print('Reading configuration "%s"' % cust_pfn) read_plat(env, cust_pfn) return 1 pfn = os.path.join(_platdir, cfgname + '.cfg') if os.path.isfile(pfn): print('Reading configuration "%s"' % pfn) read_plat(env, pfn) return 1 if == 'posix': pfn = os.path.join(_platdir, 'posix.cfg') if os.path.isfile(pfn): print('No platform specific configuration found.\n') print('Reading generic configuration "%s".' % pfn) read_plat(env, pfn) return 1 print('Platform "%s", system "%s" not supported yet' % (, sys.platform)) sys.exit(2)