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File Last Change
CMakeLists.txt 1.31 (4 months ago) by greg: chore: Added cmake support for C++ compilation
README.txt 1.9 (5 months ago) by greg: feat(rpict,rtrace,rcontrib,rtpict): Hyperspectral rendering (except photon map)
License.txt 1.7 (20 months ago) by greg: docs: Updated license and copyright using verbiage from LBNL's IPO
makeall 1.31 (2 years ago) by greg: test: Added test/cv to set of test directories
.gitlab-ci.yml 1.2 (4 years ago) by greg: Update from Rob G. to switch tests over to Ruby
MANIFEST 1.3 (5 years ago) by greg: Moving on to version 5.3a 1.2 (6 years ago) by greg: Made excluding X11 a little simpler
INSTALL.scons 1.7 (6 years ago) by schorsch: SCons Option to build Pmap with OOC data on unix
SConstruct 1.21 (6 years ago) by schorsch: SCons Option to build Pmap with OOC data on unix
.gitignore 1.1 (6 years ago) by greg: Added missed files from CMake update
CTestConfig.cmake (dead) 1.3 (6 years ago) by greg: Update to CMake build system from Rob G. and Alex S., adding test cases
scons.bat 1.1 (6 years ago) by schorsch: Updating to SCons 3.x, adding support for Python 3
installib 1.4 (8 years ago) by greg: Updated instruction
Welcome.txt 1.2 (9 years ago) by greg: Took out version, which was showing up wrong anyway.
README (dead) 1.10 (12 years ago) by greg: Changes to support new Cmake build system
p.c (dead) 1.6 (21 years ago) by greg: Final updates for official 3.5 release
9 directories and 16 files shown